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Palvelujen tietojen päivittäminen hidastuu vuodenvaihteessa

Tiedoksi käyttäjille: Palvelujen tietojen päivittäminen hidastuu vuodenvaihteessa. Kuntien työllisyyspalveluissa on vuodenvaihteessa käynnissä muutoksia mm. henkilöstön tehtävissä. Tämän takia palveluiden päivitysaikatauluissa voi olla viivästyksiä: kaikkia palveluita ei pystytä julkaisemaan sovitun aikataulun mukaisesti ja tietosisällöissä voi olla vanhentunutta tietoa. Uudelleen järjestäytyminen tietojen päivittämisen äärelle on käynnissä. Pahoittelemme aiheutuvaa haittaa! 


In digital services, cookies can be used to store or access information on the user's device. Cookies are text files stored on the device by the website. A cookie contains a unique, anonymous identifier used to recognize different browsers visiting the site. Cookie information cannot be used to identify individual users. To use the Palvelumanuaali web service, you must accept the use of essential cookies.

The purpose of cookies is for the website to retain certain preferences for a certain period (e.g., during the session or permanently on the device). Cookies can also be used to collect anonymized information about user activity on the site. Site-specific and device-specific cookies can be managed in the browser's privacy settings.

If cookies collect and process personal data, the basis for processing personal data in the Palvelumanuaali web service is consent (GDPR 6.1 a) for non-essential cookies and compliance with a legal obligation (GDPR 6.1 c, Local Government Act 29 §, Act on Electronic Communications Services 205 §) as well as public interest and public authority (GDPR 6.1 e, Data Protection Act 4 §) for essential cookies. Note: Only users logged into the system.

Cookies in Palvelumanuaali web service

The purpose of collecting cookies in the Palvelumanuaali web service is to:

  • Enable the use of the site (e.g., authentication cookies and technical cookies)
  • Collect analytical data on user page loads for site development purposes. The Matomo service is used for analytics tracking.

Essential Cookies

Essential cookies enable the technical functionality of the site, allowing the use of features necessary for the site's operation. These include logging into the site, managing content, and maintaining security. The site does not function properly without these cookies, and user consent is not required for their use.

Statistical Cookies

We collect visit and behavior data about the users of the site. This information is not personally identifiable. The data is not shared with third parties.

Analytics cookies collect information about how the site is used. Analytics gathers data on site visits, page loads, site load times, and site navigation. This information can be used to improve site usability and content. We use the third-party analytics software Matomo on our site, which sets a tracking cookie on the user's device. The service provider for Matomo is Digia.

We collect visitor information as follows:

  • The IP address is stored only for the first two bytes, the rest is anonymized.
  • User IDs are not collected.
  • Date and time of visit.
  • Title of the visited page (Page Title).
  • URL of the visited page (Page URL).
  • Referrer URL (previous page's URL).
  • Screen resolution.
  • Time in the user's local time zone.
  • Files clicked or downloaded by the user (Download).
  • Links clicked that lead outside the domain (Outlink).
  • Page generation time (time taken by the web server to create and the user to load the page: Page speed).
  • User location: Country, region, city, approximate latitude, and longitude (Geolocation).
  • Primary language of the browser (Accept-Language header).
  • User agent of the browser (User-Agent header).


Changes to Cookie Processing on 21.5.2024

Cookie processing practices have changed on the site on May 21, 2024. 

  • Tracking cookies have been disabled on the site.
  • No personal data is collected from users.
  • Information is used solely for general analytics tracking and not for any other purpose.
  • Information is not shared or combined with data from other sites, and no cross-site tracking is performed.
  • Without tracking cookies, individual visitors cannot be identified or tracked, even if visits are repeated.
  • Referrer data from referring sites to the site is anonymized.
  • Additionally, Matomo updates the user's "fingerprint" as a security measure to prevent the association of the user's data and visits over time.
  • Detailed information on data processing is available at:

Collected visitor data

After 21.5.2024, we collect visitor information as follows:

  • The IP address is stored only for the first two bytes, the rest is anonymized.
  • User IDs are not collected.
  • Date and time of visit.
  • Title of the visited page (Page Title).
  • URL of the visited page (Page URL).
  • Referrer URL (previous page's URL) parameters removed.
  • Screen resolution.
  • Time in the user's local time zone.
  • Files clicked or downloaded by the user (Download).
  • Links clicked that lead outside the domain (Outlink).
  • Page generation time (time taken by the web server to create and the user to load the page: Page speed).
  • User location: Country, region, city, approximate latitude, and longitude (Geolocation).
  • Primary language of the browser (Accept-Language header).
  • User agent of the browser (User-Agent header).