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Tiedote asiakkaalle

Hyvä asiakas, on tärkeää että keskustelet aina etukäteen vastuuasiantuntijasi kanssa erilaisista työllistymistäsi edistävistä kursseista, valmennuksista tai koulutuksista. Näin varmistat, että toimenpiteet soveltuvat sinulle, eikä niillä ole vaikutusta esimerkiksi työttömyysturvasi maksamiseen.

Privacy policy and registry description

Registry of Employment Services Information Service in Uusimaa

Register Description

1. Data Controller

Helsinki: Helsinki City Board

Espoo: City of Espoo 

Vantaa: City of Vantaa / Growth Services / Employment Services 

Kerava: Kerava City Board 

Porvoo: Porvoo City Board 

Hanko: City of Hanko / Central Administration 

Raasepori: Raseborg City Board / Corporate Services

2. Responsible Persons for the Registry

Helsinki: City Office / Department of Economic Development / Labor and Immigration Unit / Director of Immigration and Employment Affairs 

Espoo: Director of Economic Development, City of Espoo 

Vantaa: Director of Employment Services 

Kerava: Office of the City Manager / Corporate and Economic Development Services / Employment Services / Director of Employment 

Porvoo: Management of Economic Development / Deputy City Manager 

Raasepori: Corporate Services / Head of Employment Services 

Hanko: Central Administration / Responsible Person for Employment Affairs

3. Contact Person for the Registry

Job Title City Office / Department of Economic Development / Labor and Immigration Unit / Development Manager

Contact Information City of Helsinki, Registry Office PO Box 10 (Pohjoisesplanadi 11-13), 00099 City of Helsinki

4. Purposes of Processing Personal Data and Legal Basis for Processing

Purposes of Processing

The purpose of processing personal data in the registry is to manage user accounts for the joint municipal employment services information repository and to implement electronic communications related to the system. Data subjects include employment services personnel and users acting as content producers from various municipalities and service provider organizations.

Legal Basis for Processing

City Employees: EU General Data Protection Regulation Article 6(1)(c): processing is necessary for compliance with a legal obligation of the data controller.

Service Providers' Employees: EU General Data Protection Regulation Article 6(1)(e): processing is necessary for the performance of a task carried out in the public interest or in the exercise of official authority vested in the data controller.

Key Legislation

  • EU General Data Protection Regulation 679/2016 
  • Data Protection Act 1050/2018
  • Työsopimuslaki 55/2001 
  • Laki kunnan ja hyvinvointialueen viranhaltijasta 304/2003 
  • Laki työllisyyden edistämisen kuntakokeilusta 1269/2020 
  • Valtion virkamieslaki 750/1994

5. Content of the Registry

Data subject's first and last name, organization, email, and job title.

6. Regular Disclosures of Personal Data

No regular disclosures.

7. Transfers of Data Outside the EU or EEA

Data in the registry are stored within the EU/EEA area, in a service owned by a US-based company.

8. Retention Periods for Personal Data

Data are retained for 4 months after the end of use. (Update: Data is retained for 30 days after account deactivation)

9. Sources of Personal Data

Personnel registry 

Service providers in the region